rogressive features for high-quality images
4 5
Scanner Control
Quality scans made easy
Even first-time scanner users will be
astonished at how simple quality film
scanning can be. Nikon Scan 4 features an
intuitive GUI (Graphical User Interface) that
allows you to quickly and easily preview
images and even make necessary adjust-
ments before scanning.
imple, user-friendly operation
Quick operation
Simply turn on the power, and the scanner is
ready for operation.
MA-21, focus is achieved automatically once
the scanner recognizes the type of film about
to be scanned. You can begin scanning right
away, as necessary exposure adjustments are
made during image preview.
Batch scanning for increased productivity
You can easily initiate the automatic scanning
of multiple frames. For example, using the
STRIP FILM ADAPTER SA-21 with the 5000
ED or V ED enables batch scanning of as
ast, efficient scanning nmatched image restoration functions
Stunning image corrections with Digital ICE
Advanced™ technology
asy digital archive creation
Improved color negative scanning
Nikon has upgraded its negative film scanning
algorithm, significantly boosting image quality.
Details that were once hidden in the darker
portions of an image are now revealed.
Correction of color casts found in color nega-
tive film has also been achieved, and mono-
chrome negative film scans now offer
smoother, more natural gradation.
Efficient autofocus delivers crisp,
accurate images
Scanning curled film strips and film mounts of
varying thickness means that the film plane
will not always be in the same position relative
to the lens. This makes accurate focusing
essential in producing superior-quality scans.
Nikon’s new film scanners feature fast, precise
autofocusing, for crisp, clear images quickly
and easily. For even higher accuracy, you
can select a particular focus point on
an image about to be scanned.
Digital ICE™
(Image Correction & Enhancement)
Digital ICE™ works in tandem with Nikon’s spe-
cial LED illumination to remove surface defects
like dust and scratches from a scanned image
without altering the underlying composition,
details or any other elements of the original
Digital ICE Professional™
The 9000 ED features Digital ICE Professional™
which is an advanced version of Digital ICE™
and compatible with Kodachrome film.
Digital ROC™ (Restoration Of Color)
Digital ROC™ restores colors lost through
fading of the original film. After calculating the
amount of color shift, it then instantly rebuilds
and restores the deteriorated color values auto-
matically. The results are faithfully rendered
digitized images.
Digital GEM™
(Grain Equalization & Management)
Digital GEM™ reduces the effects of film grain.
It reads the grain details in film, extracting all
the vital data related to image quality and color.
The resulting images are sharp, clear and
devoid of grain clumping or graininess.
Digital DEE™
(Dynamic Exposure Extender)
Digital DEE™ makes its debut in Digital ICE
Advanced™. This new feature helps reveal
details that are sometimes lost in shadows and
highlights. It compensates for the under-
exposure of backlit subjects or shaded areas as
well as the overexposure of brightly lit areas.
Scan Image Enhancer for
one-touch image correction
Without the trouble of compli-
cated control settings, the Scan
Image Enhancer automatically
adjusts brightness and color
saturation to produce images
with optimal contrast.
Digital ICE™ ON
Digital ICE™ OFF
With Digital DEE™
Without Digital DEE™
With Scan Image Enhancer
Without Scan Image Enhancer
Nikon View
Nikon View is a comprehensive digital imag-
ing software package that enables you to
store and check scanned images effortlessly.
It features searching and tagging functions
that simplify digital archiving. And Nikon
View’s browser allows you to easily view, edit
and print image files that have been saved to
your computer’s hard disk.
With other film scanners
With Multi-sample scanning (16x)
In order to clearly present the benefits of this function, the image’s
gamma values have been adjusted.
Without Multi-sample scanning
Easy Scanning Guide
Nikon COOLSCAN and
scanners come with an
Easy Scanning Guide
CD-ROM which features
a Flash™ animated
explanation of the setup and operation of your
new scanner. It also advises you on the quick-
est way to scan images based on the film
type, the desired quality and the application.
• Digital ICE™ is compatible with both color film and color process monochrome film, but is not recommended for use with
monochrome film.
• With the 5000 or V ED, when Digital ICE™ is applied to Kodachrome film, blurred images or localized loss of detail may
occasionally occur, depending on the film used.
• With the 9000 ED, when using Digital DEE™ to scan medium-format film in a Windows® operating environment, “Crop”
palette settings must be adjusted so that the file size is 169MB or less.
Superior scans through Nikon’s
image control
By using image control features such as
Unsharp Mask, Tone Curve and LCH editor
during the scanning process, you are virtually
guaranteed images of higher quality than
would result from post-scan adjustments
made using other image control software.
Multi-sample scanning for rich,
noise-free images
The multi-sample scanning feature exposes
details in the darker portions of photos while
eliminating nearly all noise that can appear in
those areas after only one scan. By making as
many as 16 passes, multi-sample scanning —
only available with the SUPER COOLSCAN
9000 ED and 5000 ED — helps ensure
faithful reproduction with smoother
many as 6 frames, or the 35mm STRIP FILM
HOLDER FH-835S with the 9000 ED for up to
12 frames — and you can select different set-
tings for each frame.
The 5000 ED can batch-scan up to 40 frames
of an uncut roll of film (optional ROLL FILM
ADAPTER SA-30), or up to 50 mounted slides
(optional SLIDE FEEDER SF-210), giving you
time-efficient, high-
quality scanning
The 5000 ED with
▼ Color negative scanning ▼Multi-sample scanning
▼Digital ICE™
Digital ROC™ ON
Digital ROC™ OFF
▼Digital ROC™
Digital GEM™ ON
Digital GEM™ OFF
▼Digital GEM™