Chapter 3: Device Configuration
July 2007
A successfully configured device will display the same information in the entry fields and check boxes that
were intended when configuring the device. Incorrectly displayed entry fields or check boxes will be a sign
of a failed device configuration.
You can also check the progress log for the following characteristics:
- 802.11 a radio status enabled
- 802.11 a mesh status enabled
- Probe found DHCP IP addressing
- Successfully wrote 802.11 a ….
- Successfully wrote License Key xxxxxxxxxx (newly added license key #)
- Successfully wrote VLAN Membership xxxxxxxxx (newly added license key #)
- Completed writing device name to subcomponents.
Figure 3-16 After Successfully Adding a Device to the Mesh
If any errors are detected, you should delete the device from the Device Tree and start over with the
specific device.
To delete a device, right-click on it in MeshManager’s Device Tree, and then select Delete Device from the
pop-up menu.
End of Procedure.