
This connection method results in sending a full-range line-level signal to both the main amplifier and the SA-2. If you have a separate
preamplifier that features two sets of line outputs, each set is connected to one amplifier. If the preamplifier features only one set of line
outputs, use “Y”-adaptors to split the signal.
If you have a receiver with “Pre-Out” jacks but no “Main-In” jacks, you can use the “Pre-Out” jacks to connect the SA-2, without having
to route the signal back to the receiver. Do not
use the receiver’s “Subwoofer Out” jacks to connect the SA-2, as this signal is likely to
be different from the full-range L & R channel signal.
1) Run a pair of RCA interconnect cables from preamplifier output #1 to the SA-2’s LINE IN jacks.
2) Run a second pair of RCA interconnect cables from preamplifier output #2 to the main amplifier’s line inputs.
3) Remove the binding post jumper straps from the tower speaker (VERY IMPORTANT!).
4) Run speaker cables from the main amplifier’s speaker output terminals to the tower speakers’ upper pairs of binding posts.
5) Run a second pair of speaker cables from the SA-2’s SUBWOOFER OUTPUT terminal to the tower speakers’ lower pairs of binding
posts (both speakers). Since there is only one Subwoofer Output terminal on the SA-2, connect both speaker cables to the single ter-
Note: When biamplifying with two SA-2’s, run RCA interconnect cables to either the SA-2’s left or right LINE IN jacks. For more gain,
use a “Y”-adaptor to utilize both the left and right inputs.
Line level connection in parallel, no high-pass filtering,with main amplifier and SA-2 connected from preamplifier
Use if:
You have a receiver with “Pre-Out” jacks but no “Main-In” jacks
You have a separate preamplifier and main amplifier
Biamplification Method #2
Biamplification Method #2
Right side shown only