•Multifunction joystick. The joystick can be set
to operate the front linkage, loader or remote valves.
•Electronic SideWinder™ II
adjustment. Move the armrest
to the position that suits you.
•Full access to further advanced
controls under the padded armrest.
•Electronic remotes. Easy to reach paddles
provide fingertip hydraulic operation.
Flow and timing can be simply adjusted
through the IntelliView™ III touch screen.
•Rear linkage mouse. Lift heavy mounted
implements with absolute precision.
•Personalized positioning of the hydraulic
joystick and rear linkage mouse available
as a factory-fit option.
"SideWinder II and CommandGrip make
operating a T7 tractor so simple. Of equal
importance, I can show an operator new to the
tractor how everything operates quickly and
easily. SideWinder II is a real advance in tractor
design and a genuine aid in daily productivity."
Push the symbol. Activate the feature. The Integrated Control Panel, ICP,
makes it simple to access advanced operating features. No need to
scroll through menus to set up Terralock traction management, HTS
headland turn sequencing, Auto PTO or ESM Engine Speed Managment.
• Select paddle or joystick control
for remote valves 3 and 4.
• Throttle up to your desired engine
speed, select Engine Speed
Management, and the speed is fixed.
• Press the Headland Turn Sequencing
button to record and replay the
functions you use most frequently.
• Engage Terralock and it will
automatically manage four-wheel
drive and differential lock selection.
• Auto PTO will disengage and reengage
the PTO during a headland turn.
• Three point hitch levelling and top link
extension at the touch of a button.
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