An optional feature on Elite T6000 models, the New Holland Custom Headland
Management system memorizes and replays a series of up to 28 tasks, allowing you to
manage your headland turning routine with the press of a button. You can “record” and
“play back” two separate sequences—one for exiting the row; the second for entering
the next row—including the changes you make to the following:
• Transmission upshift/downshift
• Engine speed
• Engage/disengage constant RPM “cruise” control
• Three-point hitch position
• Electrohydraulic valve operation (if so equipped)
• (NOTE: The TerraLock™ system will automatically disengage FWD and diff lock as
you turn and re-engage them when required.)
The Custom Headland Management system reduces repetition to give you a well-
deserved break from the juggling act normally required for headland turns. Add this
convenience of this system to the effortless turning provided by the FastSteer option,
and you handle row after row with minimum effort.
Switches on the right-hand console are used to alert the system that you are ready to record (A) or play
back (B) a sequence of actions. Then, press the “step” button to actually activate the recording or play-
back. The step button is located on the multi-controller (C) on Elite six-cylinder models, and on the seat-
mounted electronic draft control mouse on Elite four-cylinder models.
To engage FastSteer, simply press on the inner
ring of the steering wheel. The FastSteer system
automatically disengages when travel speed
exceeds 10 km/h.
IR8001 T6000.qxd 10-10-2008 16:06 Pagina 7