Sample Configurations
Sample RAID Configuration
C-14 NCR S10XL Hot Plug Server User Guide
Select Basic System Configuration. To go from page
to page, press [Page Down] or [Page Up].
Go to Page 2 and set parameters as follows, in the
order indicated:
Hard Disk Block Mode [Disabled]
Advanced PIO Mode [Disabled]
Hard Disk Size > 504
Hard Disk 32-Bit Access [Disabled]
Auto Configuration
Fast Boot Mode [Disabled]
Num Lock After Boot [Enabled]
Memory Test [Enabled]
Return to Page 1, and set parameters as follows:
Diskette Drive A [1.44 MB 3.5-inch]
Diskette Drive B [None]
Fixed Disk 0 ( 0 MB) [None]
Fixed Disk 1 ( 0 MB) [None]
Press [Esc] to return to the main menu in BIOS
Select Advanced System Configuration.
Page 1 - Verify that the parameters are set as follows:
C0000h - C7FFFh (Video BIOS) [Enabled]
C8000h - CFFFFh [Disabled]
D0000h - D7FFFh [Disabled]
D8000h - DFFFFh [Disabled]
Internal Cache (CPU Cache) [Enabled]