NOTE: When the ARPA function is active, the own ship vector shows the six marks
- like the target vectors - providing the forecasted position of the own ship every
minute for the next six minutes.
ARPA target information
To display the information concerning any ARPA target, move
the cursor on the target icon and press ENTER.
A window containing the information on the target will show.
CPA/TCPA limits
Press the GOTO key, select SETUP, then ARPA. Choose the
SET CPA/TCPA LIM. option to set the CPA (Closest Point of
Approach) and TCPA (Time to Closest Point of Approach) lim-
As soon as the CPA or TCPA parameters of a target become
lower than the selected limits, a warning message is issued.
Radar offset
Press the GOTO key, select SETUP, then ARPA. Choose the