Your Installer has assigned a User 1 Code which may be used to not only Arm and Disarm the system, but
also to enter the User Program Mode, where you can program and/or reprogram up to 4 User Codes. The
following explains how you will use this code to program or erase additional user codes.
Entering the User Program Mode
Press A followed by 8 and then enter the User 1 code. The Armed, Status and üüSystem Lights
will flash, and the keypad will beep 4 times. You are now in the User Program mode.
Zone lights 1 through 4will light to indicate any User Codes presently programmed.
Programming / Reprogramming User Codes
1 Press the User number to be programmed. (For example, press 2 to program the User 2 code.).
The keypad will beep 2 times and the corresponding Zone light will flash to indicate the user
number you are about to program.
2 Press in the 4 digits of the new User 2 code, the keypad will beep 4 times.
3 If there are more user codes to be programmed, return to step 1 above, otherwise, go to Exiting the
User Program Mode below.
Erasing a User Code
1 Press the User number to be erased. The keypad will beep 2 times and the corresponding Zone light
will flash to indicate the user number you are about to erase.
2 Press D . The zone light will go out to indicate that the user code has been erased.
3 If there are more user codes to be erased, return to step 1 above, otherwise, go to Exiting the user
Program Mode below.
Exiting the User Program Mode
When you are done programming or erasing User codes, press A to Exit the User Program Mode.
Programming User Codes
page 11
Thursday, December 18, 1997 18:31