L NAPCO Security Systems
X GEM-P1664 Installation Instructions
WI1424A 1/06
Page 53
CP-01 Quick Reference Chart--SIA False Alarm Reduction
Feature Description Programming Address
CP-01 FEATURES are enabled with one global selection in the panel. Enabled in EZ Programming
Exit Delay. Minimum allowed programmable Exit Delay time is 45 seconds. Default is 60 seconds. If an attempt is made to
change the Exit Delay time to less than 45 seconds the time will be entered as 60 seconds. The maximum programmable time
is 255 seconds. The panel uses the existing programmable by zone feature "Entry/ Exit 1" to comply with CP-01. At least one
Entry/Exit zone must be programmed for each area. The factory program enables Zone 1 as Entry/Exit and the option to pro-
gram any zone as Entry/Exit is given in the Easy Program Menu. The existing programmable Entry and Exit delay times are
also used. The factory program sets the Exit Time Delay as 60 seconds and Entry Time Delay as 30 seconds. These same
times are entered when "Enable CP-01 Features" is selected in the Easy Program Menu.
0000 (Pre-existing)
When "Enable CP-01 Limits" (Address 2053, Bit 3) is enabled, the panel will sound an audible egress sequence when it is
armed Away (with interior zones not bypassed). The keypad mini-sounder will beep once every second during the beginning
exit delay and beep rapidly the last 10 seconds of exit delay to indicate exit urgency. If the panel is armed Stay (with interior
zones bypassed) the keypad mini-sounder is silent and the exit time is double the programmed time. If "Enable CP-01 Lim-
its" (Address 2053, Bit 3) is NOT enabled, the panel will NOT sound an audible egress sequence. Note: This feature affects
the operation of "Zone ANDing" as follows: If "Enable CP-01 Limits" is enabled, any Zone in a Group will only activate an alarm
and send a report ONCE. After the Zone has reported, it will remain in the Group and may still initiate the Zone ANDing se-
2053, Bit 3 (see Note 1)
(2053 ···4 ····)*
(2053 · 8 )**
Exit Time Restart. This option allows for the following scenario before the end of the Exit Time: a violation of an entry/exit
zone, a restore, and a second violation of an entry/exit zone restarts the Exit Time. The panel does not allow the Exit Time to
be restarted more than once. The default setting for this option is enabled. Restart is event logged.
2053, Bit 0 (see Note 1)
(2053 1 ·······)*
(2053 · 1 )**
Sound Alarm On Exit Error. An Exit Error sequence is initiated if an entry/exit zone is violated at the expiration of the Exit
Time. "Exit Error" Central Station Reporting Code is located at address 0706.
2053, Bit 1 (see Note 1)
(2053 · 2 ······)*
(2053 · 2 )**
Unvacated Premises. Convert from Away to Stay based on no egress through exit door …default is enabled. (GEM-P1664
panel--This feature is Automatic Interior Bypass/ Easy Exit).
The panel uses the existing programmable feature "Auto Interior Bypass/Easy Exit". This feature must be enabled in CP-01
installations. This feature is enabled in the factory program and it is also enabled when "Enable CP-01 Features" is selected in
the Easy Program Menu.
1424, Bit 0
(1424 1 ·······)*
(1424 · 1 )**
Report Digital Dialer Exit Error/Recent Closing. A Recent Closing transmission is sent if an alarm occurs within two (2) min-
utes after the expiration of the Exit Time. If the user number is available, it is included in the Recent Closing transmission.
"Recent Close" Central Station Reporting Code is located at address 0349. Note: Address 2053, bit 1 must also be set to en-
able this feature.
2053, Bit 2 (see Note 4)
(2053 ··3 ·····)*
(2053 · 4 )**
Entry Delay. Entry Delay time is 30 second minimum, default is 30 seconds. If an attempt is made to change the Entry Delay
time to less than 30 seconds the time will be entered as 30 seconds. The maximum programmable time is 255 seconds. The
panel uses the existing programmable by zone feature "Entry/ Exit 1" to comply with CP-01. At least one Entry/Exit zone must
be programmed for each area. The factory program enables Zone 1 as Entry/Exit and the option to program any zone as En-
try/Exit is given in the Easy Program Menu. The existing programmable Entry and Exit delay times are also used. The factory
program sets the Exit Time Delay as 60 seconds and Entry Time Delay as 30 seconds. These same times are entered when
"Enable CP-01 Features" is selected in the Easy Program Menu.
0001, 0002
(Pre-existing feature)
Progress Annunciation. Entry urgency annunciation must be different than the alarm mini-sounder. Requires Keypad
Sounder on Alarm on all non-fire zones. Locations 0941, 1005, 1069, 1133, 1197, 1261, 1325 and 1389.
Feature in EZ Programming
Disarm. The panel will silence the keypad entry delay tones and alarm annunciation on the first press of a keypad
digit for 2.5 seconds.
New Panel Operation
Select Alarm Output for Keyfob Chirp. Normally the chirp on a keyfob arm/disarm is transmitted to the PGM output.
Selecting "CHIRP BURG BELL OUTPUT" causes the "Bell" to chirp instead of the PGM on remote Arming.
The panel uses the existing programmable feature "Chirp Output on Keyfob Arm/Disarm " (Address 1422, bit 6). This fea-
ture must be programmed in a CP-01 installation if a GEM-KEYF is used in the system. The feature is selected in the factory
program and is enabled if "Enable CP-01--Enabled" is selected in the Easy Programming Menu.
1423, Bit 7 (see Note 3)
(1423 ·······8 )*
(1423 8 ·)**
Enable CP-01 Limits. When address 2053 bit 3 is enabled, three time limits are enabled as per the SIA CP-01 standards: (1)
If the Exit Delay time is programmed for less than 45 seconds, the enabled Exit Delay time will be set to 60 seconds; (2) If the
Entry Delay time is programmed for less than 30 seconds, the enabled Entry Delay time will be set to 30 seconds; and (3) If an
attempt is made to change the Abort Delay to less than 15 seconds or more than 45 seconds the time will be entered
as 30 seconds. (4) Enables Exit Delay sounder. (5) Doubles Exit Delay time when arming Stay due to Silent Exit.
2053, Bit 3 (see Note 1)
(2053 ···4 ····)*
(2053 · 8 )**
Abort Window Disarm. The panel will silence the keypad entry delay tones and alarm annunciation on the first press of a
keypad digit for 2.5 seconds.
New Panel/Keypad Feature
Abort Annunciation after Disarming. Default is enabled. If the panel is disarmed during Abort Delay, the keypad will enunci-
ate abort. "Alarm Cancelled" is displayed on keypad LCD for RP1/K1 and RP2/K2, and "C" in the 7-segment display for the
New Panel/Keypad Feature
Report Cancel Window. When the system is in alarm and the user disarms in an attempt to Cancel within a minimum of 5
minutes after abort timeout, a Cancel Report will be sent. If Cancel Report is enabled by entering a cancel time (and Abort De-
lay by zone) Cancel will enunciate on the keypad if the system is disarmed during the Cancel Window. The existing program-
mable option Report Cancel Window must be programmed for at least 5 minutes in a CP-01 installation. When "Enable CP-01"
Features is selected in the easy program menu, this time is set to 7 minutes.
Address 2055
Duress Feature. The existing programmable option "Enable Global Ambush" must not be enabled in CP-01 installations. It
is not enabled in the factory program and is not enabled when Enable CP-01 Feature is selected in the Easy Program Menu.
Pre-existing feature