EO3 Receiver (Front Panel) EO3 Receiver (Top Panel)
Adjusting Ear Monitor Volume
Listen for your program source, and adjust
receiver volume to a comfortable listening
level. The EO3 receiver is capable of
providing listening levels loud enough to be
heard in use with a rock band. Many bands
use on stage loudness levels that with
repeated exposure could pose a threat to
their hearing. Therefore, it is very important
that the EO3 be used at a reasonable and
comfortable listening level.
Note: A slight hum may be heard if the receiver
is used within six feet of the transmitter. This is
normal and does not affect performance.
Testing Receiver Range
Wearing your receiver and earphones, walk
around the stage area (and sound board
and other areas if crew members are to be
equipped with EO3 receivers) and listen for
audio quality. In certain areas of the room
the audio may disappear or “drop out.”
This is a normal occurrence whenever radio
signals are transmitted inside a building.
If you step away from the “drop out” zone,
the audio will return. If a drop out zone
is within the area of the stage or sound
board(s), it is possible to eliminate the drop
out zone by moving your EO3 transmitter as
little as 12-18 inches in any direction. After
you move the transmitter, “range walk” the
stage and other areas again to check for
consistent reception.
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Inserting EMI into