Machine status and advanced feature_ 44
Copy setup
Changing the copy setup options
For copy output, you can set up several options in advance.
1. Press
Copy on the control panel.
2. Press
Menu until Copy Setup appears.
3. Press the
left/right arrow until Default-Change appears and press OK.
4. Press the
left/right arrow until the copy setup item you want appears and press OK.
5. Press the
left/right arrow until the setting you want appears and press OK.
6. Repeat steps 4 thr
ough 5, as needed.
7. Press
Stop/Clear to return to ready mode.
Change Default
Printing a report
You can print a report on the machine's configuration or font list, etc.
1. Press
Menu until Reports appears.
2. Press the
left/right arrow until the report or list you want to print appears and press OK.
3. Press
OK when Yes appears to confirm printing.
The selected information prints out.
Clearing memory
You can selectively clear information stored in your machine’s memory.
1. Press
Menu until Maintenance appears.
2. Press the
left/right arrow until Clear Memory appears and press OK.
ECM Mode This mode helps with poor line quality and makes sure any faxes you send are sent
smoothly to any other ECM-equipped fax machine. Sending a fax using ECM may take
more time.
Darkness Adjusts the brightness level to make a copy that is easier to read, when the original
contains faint markings and dark images.
Original Type Improves the copy quality by selecting the document type for the current copy job.
Reduce/Enlarge Reduces or enlarges the size of a copied image.
No. of Copies You can enter the number of copies using the number keypad.
Phone Book This list shows all of the fax numbers currently stored in the machine’s memory.
Sent Report This report shows information on the faxes you have recently sent.
You can set the machine to automatically print this report every 50 communications (See
"Available fax setup options" on page 42).
Fax RCV Report This report shows information on the faxes you have recently received.
Configuration This list shows the status of the user-selectable options. You may print this list to confirm
your changes after changing any settings.
Schedule Jobs This list shows the documents currently stored for delayed faxes along with the starting
time and type of each operation.
Send Report This report shows the fax number, the number of pages, the elapsed time of the job, the
communication mode, and the communication results.
You can set up your machine to automatically print the message confirmation report after
each fax job.
JunkFax Report This list shows the fax numbers specified as junk fax numbers. To add or delete numbers
to or from this list, access the Junk Fax Setup menu (See "Advanced fax setting options"
on page 43).