Observe the following, when preparing your snow
thrower for off-season storage:
• Drainfuelintoanapprovedcontaineroutdoors,away
from any open flame. Allow engine to cool. Extin-
guish cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other sources
of ignition prior to draining fuel. Fuel left in engine
during warm weather deteriorates and will cause
serious starting problems.
• If unit is to be stored over 30 days, prepare for
storage as instructed in the separate engine manual
packed with your unit.
• Runengineuntilfueltankisemptyandenginestops
due to lack of fuel.
• Removegasolinefromcarburetorandfueltankto
prevent gum deposits from forming on these parts
and causing possible malfunction of engine.
• Draincarburetorbypressingupwardonbowldrain,
located below the carburetor cover.
• Fuelstabilizers,suchasSTA-BIL®,areanaccept-
able alternative in minimizing the formation of fuel
gum deposits during storage. Do not drain carburetor
if using a fuel stabilizer.
• Wipeequipmentwithanoiledragtopreventrust.
• Removesparkplugandpouroneounceofengine
oil through spark plug hole into cylinder. Cover spark
plug hole with rag. Crank engine several times to
distribute oil. Replace spark plug.
• Followthelubricationrecommendationsfoundinthe
Maintenance Section.
• Alwaysstorethesnowthrowerinaclean,dryarea.
Never store snow
thrower with fuel
in tank indoors or
in poorly ventilated
areas, where fuel
fumes may reach an
open flame, spark
or pilot light as on a
furnace, water heater,
clothes dryer or
gas appliance.
Drain fuel into an
approved container
outdoors, away from
any open flame. Be
certain engine is
cool. Do not smoke.
Fuel left in engine
during warm weather
deteriorates and will
cause serious start-
ing problems.
Do not drain carbure-
tor if using fuel
stabilizer. Never use
engine or carburetor
cleaning products
in the fuel tank or
permanent damage
may occur.