EM316-2SFP User Guide
P/N 1259003-001 Rev C3 21
4.4.3 Login Context Commands and Examples
The login context refers to the only CLI state not considered a configuration context. Commands
in this context are generally for system status monitoring. Use the “?” and “list” commands at
the fiberdriver # prompt to display the list of command line options. These help commands
are shown in the slot and port command illustrations later in this section.
A few login context commands are illustrated in this section. “show version”
The show version command displays revision levels for the management system
components. “show log”
The show log command displays log settings for the management system components.
fiberdriver(config)# show log
Running Level: warning
Nvram Level: disabled
Trap Level: warning
Remote Server:
Remote Level: notice
fiberdriver# show version
EM316LNXNM-OT v4.0 fdr 52 (May 14 2007 - 13:35:38).
U-Boot 1.0.1 (Jan 25 2005 - 11:08:25).
Linux kernel v2.4.26 (#1 Wed Dec 13 10:36:44 PST 2006).
EM316LNXNM (firmware 5c.13) (00:20:1a:02:53:8f).
MegaVisionJ v2.32k5 - August 24, 2006
Copyright (c) MRV Corp. 1993-2007