2 - 52 - 5
2 - 52 - 5
2 - 5
2.3 Measurement2.3 Measurement
2.3 Measurement2.3 Measurement
2.3 Measurement
2.3.1 Measurement method2.3.1 Measurement method
2.3.1 Measurement method2.3.1 Measurement method
2.3.1 Measurement method
If calibration is complete, the Digi-Derm is ready for measurement. It
will indicate the coating thickness on the point where the probe is ap-
plied. For accurate measurement, the probe should be applied to the
same point as that where calibration was performed.
Calibration the Digi-Derm regularly at appropriate intervals.
1) Measurement on a curved or round surface1) Measurement on a curved or round surface
1) Measurement on a curved or round surface1) Measurement on a curved or round surface
1) Measurement on a curved or round surface
The V-grooves of a probe allow exact measurement on a curved or
round surface. For measurement on such surface, calibrate the Digi-
Derm first in the same conditions as those in which measurement is to
be performed, i.e., using a base metal of the same material, shape and
thickness as that of the workpiece.
Fig. 6
2) Other notes on measurement2) Other notes on measurement
2) Other notes on measurement2) Other notes on measurement
2) Other notes on measurement
If surface roughness of the base metal is over 3µm Rmax., or the coat-
ing thickness is not uniform, the coating thickness should be deter-
mined as the arithmetical average of several points on the same surface.