Cleaning Up after a Conference Call
Use Close All Apps to remove any traces of activities performed during the conference
call. This action preserves privacy and return the UC360 user interface to a clean default state.
1. Press Close All Apps .
2. Press Yes when prompted by the dialog “Would you like to close all applications, clear
login credentials and browser history?”
If Yes or No is not selected within 30 seconds, the dialog closes automatically and clears the
recent history.
The Clean up action does the following:
- clears the browser of passwords, history, cookies, form data, and ends the last
browser session
- stops application sharing
- logs out of the RDP application session
- clears Picsel SmartOffice recent documents, closed and open document (unsaved
changes are discarded)
- unlinks Google Docs and Dropbox accounts in Picsel SmartOffice
- clears any states in the Contacts App
- unmounts an inserted media device