The default order of priority is the order of entered subscriptions. This means that the first
subscribed system has the highest priority. You can edit this list and can set the systems in
priority by moving them up or down in the list.
1. Select "Priority".
2. Select "Up" or "Down" to change the priority.
3. Select "Back" to save the priority.
In Charger
Redirect Calls While Charging
You can redirect calls to another extension when the handset is placed in the charger.
Redirecting calls enables message absence. See “Messages Absence While Charging” on
page 66 for more information. The function is automatically cancelled when the handset is
removed from the charger.
1. Select “In charger”.
2. Select “Redirect”.
Switch off While Charging
When you place the handset in the charger it can be switched off while it is charging. When
you remove it from the charger it will switch on again.
1. Select “In charger”.
2. Select “Switch off”.
End Call When put In Charger
The handset can be configured to end an ongoing call when put in the charger.
1. Select “In charger”.
2. Select “Call behavior”.
3. Select "End Call".
Note: This is used in combination with system set to be "Automatic", see “Change
System” on page 62.
Note: The extension where the calls will be redirected to is configured in the PBX.