Display Outside Party Name
(Display phones Only) When the phone user enters this feature
code, while connected to a CO call that has outside party name
information, the display will toggle between the caller’s name and
number. If there is no outside party name or the Expanded CO Call
Information On Displays flag is disabled, the user will hear a burst
of reorder tone and see the CANNOT ACCESS FEATURE
display. If the Display Outside Party Name On/Off feature code is
programmed in a user programmable button with a lamp, the lamp
will be lit when the outside party name is enabled and off when the
outside party number is enabled.
Display Time/Date (ITP)
Show IP Address (SIP)
(Display phones Only) Temporarily displays the system date and
time, user name, and extension number during a call or when
other displays are shown.
Feature code 300 displays the IP Address of a phone if it is in SIP
Do-Not-Disturb Cancel
Do-Not-Disturb On/Off
The Do-Not-Disturb feature code halts all intercom calls,
transferred calls, and pages to the phone. The Cancel code
returns the phone to normal operation. The on/off code can be
used to turn Do-Not-Disturb on or off.
Do-Not-Disturb Override
(Not used on single line phones) If enabled in the database, allows
the phone user to break through another phone’s Do-Not-Disturb
mode when placing an intercom call.
Dynamic Extension Express On
Dynamic Extension Express Off
Dynamic Ext. Express On/Off
Allow the user to enable or disable the Dynamic Extension
Express (formerly called Personal Call Routing) feature.
Dynamic Ext. Express – Handoff
Provides the following functions:
Push: Allows the user to push an active call from his or her main
extension to an associated destination without disconnecting
Pull: Allows the user connected to an active call on a mobile or
home phone to pull the call back to his or her main extension.
Enhanced Speakerphone Enable
(Digital telephones only) When entered at a digital telephone, this
feature code enables the enhanced speakerphone. Digital
telephones can also use the Special button + Speaker buttons.
Feature Key Default
(Not used on single line phones) Phones have user-
programmable feature buttons that can be set to enter feature
codes. This code returns the user-programmable buttons to the
database default values.
Group Listen
(Not used on single line phones) Allows a user to transmit a
conversation over the phone speaker while in handset or headset
Handsfree On/Off
(Not used on single line phones) Disables/enables the phone’s
handsfree intercom answering. Incoming intercom calls ring as
private calls if handsfree answering is disabled.
Table 12: Phone Feature Codes (continued)
Feature Name Code Definition
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