Screen freezes
z Reset your system.
Screen is hard to read
z Make sure that the backlight of the display is on.
z Move to a location with more light.
Inaccurate response to taps
z Recalibrate the touch screen. (See section 3.4 for instructions.)
Connection Problems
Cable Connection Problems
z Make sure that your device and your computer are both turned on before trying
to establish a connection.
z Make sure that the cable is securely plugged into the USB port on your
computer and on the device. Connect the USB cable directly to your
computer—do not run the cable through a USB hub.
z Reset your device before connecting the cable. Always disconnect your device
before you restart your computer.
GPS Problems
When there are no valid signals available, consider the following:
z Make sure that the GPS antenna has a clear view of the sky.
z Note that the GPS reception can be affected by:
9 Bad weather
9 Dense overhead obstacles (e.g. trees and tall buildings)
9 Other wireless device in the car
9 Reflective car window tint