Advanced mode’s Learn option programs the Explorer II to recognize certain targets. The
following pages show you how to instruct the detector to ‘learn’ a particular target and
save its characteristics for later use.
Figure 6.1 The Learn screen
Introducing Learn
Figure 6.1
Sometimes during your treasure hunting you may wish to instruct the
Explorer II to detect targets with very specific characteristics.
It may be that you have found a particular type of coin which you
would like to find more of, or you find yourself constantly
unearthing the same types of junk.
Minelab has designed Learn to enable you to instruct the Explorer II
to accept or reject precisely the types of targets you do or do not
Your new target patterns are treated in exactly the same way as
those you have used from the SELECT target list. Once saved,
they can be used by themselves or in combination with other
discrimination patterns.
In time, you may find this one of the Explorer II’s most powerful
features. For instance, once you have saved target patterns of
several unwanted targets you may exclude them all from your
current Smartfind discrimination pattern simply by rejecting them
from the SELECT target list. In a similar way, you could combine all
of your desired targets into your own composite discrimination
The following tutorial will help you to make Learn a feature of your
metal detecting.
NOTE Selection of Pinpoint effectively disengages the
Explorer II’s Discrimination functions.
Silence please!
For the Learn option to work
accurately, it needs to recognize
the same target characteristics
with each pass of the search coil.
For this reason, it is essential that
you use Learn in an environment
free of electromagnetic
disturbance. This may mean
moving away from other
detectorists or powerlines.
It may be useful to perform a
Noise Cancel before undergoing
the procedure outlined in the
following tutorial.