
Peak-to-Peak Noise
To display the PEAK-TO-PEAK-NOISE screen, press the Measure Cable Performance key,
then select P-P Noise.
The pairs are shown on the left and the Peak-to-Peak Noise values are shown on the right.
If the Peak-to-Peak noise level exceeds 3,000 mV, OVR (Overrange) is displayed.
The measurement’s bandwidth covers a range of 40 KHz to 30 MHz.
Press the ESCAPE key to return to the Measure Cable Performance screen.
Chapter 7: Analyze LAN Traffic
Analyze LAN Traffic is a built-in network monitor that shows the current level of LAN traffic
activity and monitors network traffic for up to eight hours with the interval set to 5 minutes (using
the AC adapter as a power source).
The Analyze LAN Traffic feature is useful for tracking down intermittent faults. It can also help
you decide if your network needs a bridge or a router because of excessive LAN traffic. It provides
even greater flexibility in locating problems, by letting you change the traffic sampling interval
simply by pressing Setup (F4).
Note: Analyze LAN Traffic does not monitor Token Ring network traffic.
LAN Traffic Display
To display the TRAFFIC screen, press the Analyze LAN Traffic key. The ANALYZE LAN
TRAFFIC screen displays two graphs. The large graph on the left shows a historical “skyline” of
activity; representing the percent utilization of the total network. The small bar graph on the right
indicates the current level of activity. This indicator should change frequently because of the
volatile nature of most network activity. If it is always off or always fully on, you may have a serious
problem with your cabling system or LAN hardware.
Press Clear (F2) to reset the graph.
Press Scale (F3) to toggle between linear and logarithmic scale.
Press Setup (F4) to configure the monitor.
Press the ESCAPE key to exit.
The Traffic level indicator shows relative activity as follows:
0 No network activity
1-10 Typical network traffic
11-20 heavy network traffic
21-40 Very heavy traffic
41-60 Overloaded network
61-99 Probable defective component