Command Line Interface
DNS Commands
These commands are used to configure Domain Naming System (DNS) services.
You can manually configure entries in the DNS domain name to IP address mapping
table, configure default domain names, or specify one or more name servers to use
for domain name to address translation.
Note that domain name services will not be enabled until at least one name server is
specified with the ip name-server command and domain lookup is enabled with the
ip domain-lookup command.
ip host
This command creates a static entry in the DNS table that maps a host name to an
IP address. Use the no form to remove an entry.
[no] ip host name address1 [address2 … address8]
•name - Name of the host. (Range: 1-64 characters)
• address1 - Corresponding IP address.
• address2 … address8 - Additional corresponding IP addresses.
Default Setting
No static entries
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Table 4-46 DNS Commands
Command Function Mode Page
ip host Creates a static host name-to-address mapping GC 4-136
clear host Deletes entries from the host name-to-address table PE 4-137
ip domain-name Defines a default domain name for incomplete host names GC 4-137
ip domain-list Defines a list of default domain names for incomplete host names GC 4-138
ip name-server Specifies the address of one or more name servers to use for host
name-to-address translation
GC 4-139
ip domain-lookup Enables DNS-based host name-to-address translation GC 4-140
show hosts Displays the static host name-to-address mapping table PE 4-141
show dns Displays the configuration for DNS services PE 4-141
show dns cache Displays entries in the DNS cache PE 4-142
clear dns cache Clears all entries from the DNS cache PE 4-142