Microsoft Exchange 2000 Operations Guide — Version 1.060
Table 4.2 Subjects and Associated Objects and Counters
Subsystem Object Counter Exchange Comments
Disk Logical Disk % Free Disk Space
Physical Disk % Disk Time Usually unreliable for RAID systems,
so rarely applicable
Physical Disk Disk Reads/sec
Physical Disk Disk Writes/sec
Physical Disk Current Disk Should occasionally dip to zero
Queue Length
Physical Disk Avg secs per read Should be analogous to published
disk speed
Physical Disk Avg secs per write Should be analogous to published
disk speed or 1-2ms if you have write
back caching enabled on your RAID
Memory Memory Committed Bytes
Memory Pages/sec Exchange 2000 makes heavy use of a
pagefile. A large amount of paging is
not in itself an indication of a problem.
Memory Page Reads/sec Value should generally be below 100.
If the value is consistently high, you
may need to increase system
Memory Page Writes/sec Value should generally be below 100.
If the value is consistently high, you
may need to increase system
Paging File % Usage You may need to increase the size of
your pagefile for Exchange. Try to
keep this counter below 70%.
Process Page Faults/sec