Section 4: BIOS Setup Utility
M54E2 System Board Manual
up and down arrows<↑/↓> to highlight the System Date and follow the same
procedure used to set the time.
Diskette A or B
To configure a floppy drive added to or removed from your computer, use the
up and down arrow keys <↑/↓> to select the drive you wish to set. Use the
<+/-> keys to change the setting until it matches the floppy drive you have
installed. The BIOS supports 2.88MB, 1.44MB, 1.2MB, 720KB, and 360KB
floppy drives.
IDE Devices (Hard Disk Setup)
If you are setting up a SCSI hard disk, you will probably need to select [None]
in the IDE Device parameters (see your SCSI card manual for more details).
To install an IDE device, select the device you wish to configure and press
<Enter>. An IDE Device submenu will appear (Figure 4-3). The easiest way
to set your IDE devices is to let the BIOS do it for you. When the IDE Device
submenu first appears, the Autotype Fixed Disk selection will be highlighted.
Simply press <Enter> and the remaining information will automatically be
entered. Do not adjust the rest of the settings unless absolutely necessary. The
BIOS will automatically enter the optimal settings.
Video System
This sets the type of video board installed into the system. You may choose
from: VGA/SVGA (default), CGA 80x25 and Monochrome.
Video BIOS Shadow
Enabling the category allows you to “Shadow” the BIOS on the video card for
faster video performance. Some video cards do not support Video BIOS
Shadowing. Disable this option if video problems occur.
System Memory
The System Memory category identifies the size of the base memory. It
cannot be changed.
Extended Memory
The Extended Memory category automatically detects the amount of memory
installed above the amount in the System Memory category. Because the
BIOS automatically calculates the amount of memory installed in your
system, you cannot change this category without adding or removing memory.