
Troubleshooting Guide (continued)
Symptoms Possible Causes Solution
Scanner beeps at
some bar codes
and NOT for others
of the same bar
code symbology
The print quality of the bar
code is suspect
Check print mode. The type of
printer could be the problem.
Change print settings. i.e. change to
econo mode or high speed
Scanner beeps at
some bar codes
and NOT for others
of the same bar
code symbology
The aspect ratio of the bar
code is out of tolerance
Check print mode. The type of
printer could be the problem.
Change print settings. i.e. change to
econo mode or high speed
Scanner beeps at
some bar codes
and NOT for others
of the same bar
code symbology
The bar code may have
been printed incorrectly
Check if it is a check
digit/character/or border problem
Scanner beeps at
some bar codes
and NOT for others
of the same bar
code symbology
The scanner is not
configured correctly for
this type of bar code
Check if check digits are set
Scanner beeps at
some bar codes
and NOT for others
of the same bar
code symbology
The minimum symbol
length setting does not
work with the bar code
Check if the correct minimum
symbol length is set