
Engine Input Voltage: 3.3VDC ~ 5.5VDC
Typical Operating Current: 235 mA (continuous scan mode, VIN=3.3V)
Peak Operating Current: 400 mA (typical VIN=3.3V @ 25°C) 400 mA (typical VIN=3.3V @ 25°C)
Idle Current: 160 mA (typical VIN=3.3V @ 25°C) 125 mA (typical VIN=3.3V @ 25°C)
Sleep Current: 65 mA (typical VIN=3.3V @ 25°C) 25 mA (typical VIN=3.3V @ 25°C)
Suspend Current (USB): 600 µA* (typical VIN=3.3V @ 25°C) N/A
Power Down Current (TTL): N/A 500 µA* (typical VIN=3.3V @ 25°C)
* Specifications are based on the assumption inputs are pulled high. If inputs are externally pulled low, the
current through the pull up registers must be added to these numbers.
See pages 46 - 48 for regulatory compliance information.
Detailed Electrical Specifications
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Signal Signal Description MIN MAX
Vinput † Voltage Applied to Any input pin (except D+ and D-) * -0.3V 5.5V
Voutput Voltage Applied to Any output pin ** -0.3V VIN + .3V
* For USB version, Voltages on D+ and D- signal must conform to USB Specification
** Voutput must be less than 5.5V for all pins
If the Vinput signal is greater than VIN, current will flow from the input to the VIN pin through the pull-up
resistors on the engine. In Suspend Mode, this may cause current to flow into the USB power. This is not