4 Optional Accessories
Resharpenable planer blades, TCT, 410x25 mm Stock-no. 091 105 0390
Drilling and Morticing Attachment Stock-no. 091 101 4211
Digital Readout for Thicknesser Stock-no. 091 101 3983
Wheel Set HC 410 Stock-no. 091 101 4203
Planer Blade Setting Tool Stock-no. 091 101 6397
7 Installation/Initial Operation
7.1 Final Assembly
For shipping the fence is not installed and the switch terminal is mounted in a horizontal position.
Loosen the screws of the stay
brackets, put switch terminal in the
vertical position and tighten screws
Loosen ratchet lever (a) and slide
fence carrier into bracket.
5 Scope of Application
The surface planing and thicknessing machines models HC 410 are designed for planing/thicknessing
wood or derived timber products* of square or rectangular crossection. Round workpieces or workpieces
which do not fully rest on the planing/thicknessing bed, or can not be positively held by the thicknesser's
recoil lock (e.g. battens with a triangular crossection) can not be worked on these machines.
*Derived timber products are materials containing a minimum of 90% wood particles.
Do not lift machine on the planing bedes.
6 Transportation
To remove the machine from the pal-
lets and for transportation 4 lifting
eyes are provided. Place a tube or
batten through the eyes to maneuver
the machine. After installation of the
machine the lifting eyes should be