#3200 Lunar & Planetary Color Filter Set: Meade optical glass color filters increase image
contrast and resolution of the Moon and planets. The #3200 Set includes light yellow, very light
red, very light blue, and neutral density filters. Each filter threads into the barrels of all Meade
MA, PL, and WA eyepieces and is packed in a separate plastic case for secure storage.
#773 Hard Carry Case: For secure portability in the field, the #773 Hard Carry Case (Fig. 20)
is fully lined with fitted foam inserts and accepts the complete ETX-60AT or ETX-70AT Astro
Telescope, plus optional accessories. In order for the telescope to fit in its optional Hard Carry
Case, the telescope’s objective lens must be fully retracted.
#64ST T-Adapter: The #64ST T-Adapter (Fig. 21) is the basic means of photography through
the ETX-60AT or the ETX-70AT. Attach the #64ST T-Adapter to the rear cell of the telescope,
followed by a T-Mount appropriate to your 35mm camera body, and the ETX-60AT or ETX-
70AT is a supertelephoto lens of 350mm focal length. See “PHOTOGRAPHY WITH THE ETX,”
page 23.
#827 8 x 25mm Right-Angle Viewfinder and Bracket: For easy sighting of terrestrial or astro-
nomical objects prior to their observation in the main telescope, the #827 8 x 25mm Right-
Angle Viewfinder (Fig. 22) displays a wide 7.5° field of view. Includes a crosshair eyepiece and
precise helicoid focusing; the included viewfinder bracket attaches to the main telescope in
#933 45° Erecting Prism: The ETX-60AT or ETX-70AT includes an internal optically-flat mir-
ror to reflect light to the telescope’s 90° astronomical observing position. In this position, the
telescope’s image is upright, but reversed left for right. For terrestrial observing with the ETX-
60AT or ETX-70AT, the #933 45° Erecting Prism (
Fig. 23) results in a fully correctly oriented
image and a convenient 45° observing angle. The #933 Prism threads on to the telescope’s
photo port (
16, Fig. 1). An eyepiece of any focal length (magnifying power) may be inserted into
the #933 Prism. The #933 includes an internal relay lens which increases each eyepiece power
by 2.4x. Note that the flip-mirror control (15, Fig. 1) must be in the “down” position (Fig. 2b) for
use with the #933 Prism.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In the most discriminating applications, such as in observing
delicate bird feather structure at long distance, the telescope’s internal, optically-
flat mirror yields a higher-resolution image than is possible with any prism, includ-
ing the #933. In these special cases, users are advised to observe with the eye-
piece in the standard 90° eyepiece-holder (
15, Fig. 1), with the flip-mirror control in
the “up” position (Fig. 2a). This admonition applies only to situations requiring
extraordinarily high optical resolution where the observer’s eye is well-trained to
observe very fine detail. In typical terrestrial applications, no image differences
between the two eyepiece locations can generally be noted.
#670 Dew Shield: In moist climates, water in the atmosphere may condense on the tele-
scope’s lens. Dew formation may be reduced significantly by the addition of a #670 Dew Shield
Fig. 24), which threads into the front cell of the telescope.
Tripods: Manufactured of strong, lightweight
extruded aluminum, the
#882 Standard Field
Tripod (Fig. 25a) and the #883 Deluxe Field
Tripod (Fig. 25b) allow standing or seated
observations. The heights of both tripods are
continuously adjustable from 34” to 54”.
Micrometric controls in both azimuth and ele-
vation-angle of the #883 Deluxe Field Tripod
permit precise Polar Alignment of the tele-
scope’s fork mount for advanced astronomical
applications. When Alt/Az Alignment of the tel-
escope is desirable, the tripod head of the
#883 tilts and locks at 90°. Both tripods include
all the rigidity and stability required for high-
power observing through the telescope.
Fig. 25a: #882
Standard Field Tripod
set in Alt/Az
Fig 25b:
#883 Deluxe
Field Tripod set in
Polar Configuration.
Fig 23:
#933 Erecting
Fig 20:
#773 Hard Carry
Fig 22:
#827 Right-Angle
Fig 21:
#64ST T-Adapter.
26 Optional Accessories
Fig 24:
#670 Dew Shield.