Replaceguidebar w henthegroove isworn,
the guide bar is bent or cracked, or when
excess heatingorburringoftherailsoccurs.
Ifreplacement isnecessary,use on lytheguide
barspecifiedforyour s awintherepairpartslist
or on the decal located on the chain saw .
The spark plug should be replaced each
year to ensure the engine starts easier and
runs better. Ignition timing isfixed andnon-
1. Loosen 3 screws on cylinder cover.
2. Remove the cylinder cover.
3. Pull of f the spark plug boot.
4. Remove spark plug from cylinder and
5. Replace with Champion RCJ--7Y spark
plug and tighten securely with a 19 mm
socket wrench. Spark plug gap should be
0,5 mm.
6. Reinstall t he spark plug boot .
7. Reinstall the cylinder cover and 3
screws. Tighten securely.
Cylinder Co
Scre ws
Spark Plug Boot
Chain sharpening isa complicated task that
requires special tools. We recommend that
you referchain sharpeningto aprofessional
chain sharpener.
WARNING: The chain will be moving
during most of this procedure. W ear your pro-
tective equipment and observe all safety pre-
cautions. The chain must not move at idle
The carburetor hasbeen carefully set atthe
factory. Adjustments may be necessary if
you notice any of the following conditions:
S Chain moves atidle. S eeIDLE SPEED--T
adjusting procedure.
S Sawwillnotidle.See IDLESPEED--T ad-
justing procedure.
Idle Speed---T
Allow engineto idle. If thechain moves, idle
istoofast. Iftheenginestalls,idleistooslow.
Adjustspeeduntil engineruns withoutchain
movement (idle too f ast) or stalling (idle too
slow). Theidlespeedscrew islocatedinthe
area above theprimer bulb andis labeledT.
S T urnidle speed screw (T) c lockwise toin-
crease engine speed.
S T urn idle speed screw (T) counterclock-
wise todecrease engine speed.
cool, and secure the unit before storing or
transporting in avehicle. Store unit andfuel
in an area where fuel vapors cannot reach
sparks or open flames from water heaters,
electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
that any sharp object cannot accidentally
causeinjury topassersby. Storethe unitout
of reach of children.
S Before storing, drain all fuel from the unit.
Start engineand allowto rununtil itstops.
S Clean theunit befor estoring. Pay particu-
larattention tothe airintake area,keeping
it free of debris. Use amild detergent and
sponge to clean the plastic surfaces.
S Donotstoretheunitorfuelinaclosedarea
where fuelvapors canrea ch sparks or an
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
S Store ina dry areaoutof thereach ofchil-
S Ensurethe machine i s cleanedand that a
complete service is carried out before
long--term storage.
S The guide bar and chain must always be
covered with a scabbard when t he machine
is being transported or in storage in order to
prevent accident contact with t he sharp
chain. Even a non--moving c hain can cause
serious cuts to yourself or persons you
bump into with an exposed chain.
CAUTION: It is important to prevent
gum deposits from forming in essential fuel
system par ts such asthe carburetor ,fuel fil-
ter,fuelhose,orfuel tankduringstorage.Al-
cohol blendedfuels (calledgasohol orusing
ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture
which leads to fuel mixture separation and
formationofacidsduringstorage.Acidic gas
can damage the engine.