-SRM Retrieve message
-SSE=n n=0 Disable DSVD
n=1 Enable DSVD
-SSP Set transmission speeds
-SSR Start sequence response control
-SSV Data mode event message
-STM Time
-STT Telephone handset transaction tone
-SVV Start Voice View data mode
Section Four - S Registers
Your modem has 28 registers, designated S0
through S92. Table 4-1 shows the registers, their
functions, and their default values. Some registers can
have their values changed by commands. If you use a
command to change a register value, the command
remains in effect until you turn off or reset your modem.
Your modem then reverts to the operating character-
istics specified in its non-volatile memory. Refer to
Section 3 for information on how to use the AT com-
mands to manipulate the S registers.
Table 4-1 S - Registers
Register Function Range/units Default
S0 Auto-answer Ring 0-255 /rings 0
S1 Ring counter 0-255 /rings 0
S2 Escape code character 0-127 /ASCII 43
S3 Carriage return character 0-127 /ASCII 13
S4 Line feed character 0-127 /ASCII 10
S5 Backspace character 0-32, 127 /ASCII 8
S6 Dial tone wait time 2-255 /seconds 2
S7 Remote carrier wait time 1-255 /seconds 50
S8 Comma pause time 0-255 /seconds 2
S10 Carrier loss time 1-255 /0.1 second 14
S11 Touch-tone dialing speed 50-255 /milliseconds 95
S12 Escape character guard time0-255 /0.02 second 50
S14 Result codes, pulse dial Bit mapped 8
S21 DTR, DCD Bit mapped 48
S22 Result codes, pulse dial Bit mapped 112
S24 Sleep mode timer 0,5-255/seconds 10
S28 V.34 modulation enable 0-255 1
S30 Inactivity timer 0-255/minutes 0
S32 Synthetic ring volume - dB 10
S33 Synthetic ring frequency 0-5 0
S35 Data calling tone enable 0, 1 0
S36 Negotiation failure fallback 0-7 7