&Q_ &Q0 Modem in asynchronous mode
&S_ &S0 Force DSR Signal High (ON)
&S1 DSR is off in command mode, on in on-line
&T_ &T0 Ends test in progress
&T1 Perform Local Analog Loopback Test
&U_ &U0 Enable Trellis Coding @ V.32
&U1 Disable Trellis Coding @ V.32
&V_ &V0 Displays Active and Stored Profile 0
&V1 Displays Active and Stored Profile 1
&V3 Displays relay and general-purpose I/O
&W_ &W0 Stores the active profile as Configuration
Profile 0
&W1 Stores the active profile as Configuration
Profile 1
&Y_ &Y0 Configuration Profile 0 active upon
Power on or reset
&Y1 Configuration Profile 1 active upon Power
on or reset
=0-3Store telephone number x into non-volatile
+MS? Displays the current Select Modulation
+MS=? Displays a list of supported Select
Modulation options
+MS=a,b,c,d Select modulation where: a=V21, V22,
V22B, V23C, V32, V.32B, V34, V.34S,
V34B, V34BS, V90; b=0-1; c=0-33600;
and d=0-33600. A, b, c, d default=V90,
1, 300, 0. Parameter “a” specifies the
modulation protocol desired. Parameter
“b” specifies automode operations
where: 0=automode disabled, 1=
automode enabled. Parameter “c”
specifies the minimum connection data
rate (0-56600). Parameter “d” specifies
the maximum connection rate (0-56600),
where a 0 specifies highest possible
data rate, depending on the current DTE
%E_ %E0 V.22bis auto-retrain disabled