
Evolution UC-33e
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Evolution UC-33e
00: Cubase multi-channel & channel strip 1-8)*
01: Native Instruments B4
03: Native Instruments Pro-53
04: Reason Mixer
05: Reason Malstrom
06: Reason Subtractor
07: Reason NN-19
08: Reason Dr.Rex
09: Reason ReDrum
10: Cubase multi-channel mixing 9-16)*
11: Logic channel strip*
12: Sound Studio Pro 1-8 mixer
13: Sound Studio Pro 9-16 mixer
14: Sonar preset*
15: Steinberg Model-E
16: Steinberg Halion
17: Waldorf Attack
18: Waldorf PPG Wave2V
19: Native Instruments FM7*
20: Rebirth - Master controls and Synths
21: Rebirth drum Modules
22: AAS Lounge Lizard
23: CM DS-404
24: CM SR-202
25: CM 101
26: TC-Works Mercury-1
27: Big Tick Audio Rainbow Synth
28: GS/XG/GM2 Synth control
29: GS/XG drum mixer
30: SoundBlaster cards synth control
31: User Preset1 Channel mixer 1-8
32: User Preset2 Channel mixer 9-16
31: User Preset3 Undened controllers to global channel
* Evolution CD-ROM
Application Files
H UC-33e