The product has the following general features:
< USB bus powered
< Compatible with Enigma librarian and parameter editor for storing and organizing setups
< MIDI Data from controllers
• MIDI control number
• Program, Bank LSB, Bank MSB
• Pitch Bend
• GM/GM2/XG SysEx Messages
< MIDI Data from buttons:
• Note on
• Note on/off toggle
• MIDI CC on/off toggle
• Program,
Bank LSB, Bank MSB presets
• MIDI Machine Control functions
• GM/GM2/XG SysEx Messages
• Program increment/decrement
• MIDI CC value increment/decrement
< All controls fully programmable to MIDI controller number
< All controls fully programmable to MIDI channel
< Controller Mute function mutes controller output to avoid parameter jumps
< Memory Dump via SysEx
4 › Minimum System Requirements
IMPORTANT: The Oxygen keyboard controllers are supported under Windows XP; they are not supported under Windows 98, 98SE or
Windows ME or 2000. You must be running Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later. Visit the Windows update web pages (http://windowsupdate.
microsoft.com/) to make certain you have the most current updates and fixes supplied by Microsoft.
On the Macintosh, the Oxygen controllers are supported under Mac OS X version 10.3.8 or version 10.4 or later. Earlier versions of
Mac operating systems are not supported.
< Pentium 3 – 800 MHz or higher
(CPU may be higher for laptops)
< 256 MB RAM
< DirectX 9.0b or higher
< Windows XP (SP1) or higher
(Windows 98, Me, NT, or 2000 not supported)
Mac OS*
< Macintosh G3 800/G4 733 MHz or higher
(CPU may be higher for laptops)
< OS X 10.2.8 with 256 MB RAM,
< OS X 10.3.4 or greater with 512 MB RAM
* M-Audio suggests you also check the minimum system requirements for your software, as they may be greater than the above.
Windows XP and Mac OS X Class-Compliancy
If you are using Windows XP or Mac OS X, you may simply connect your keyboard using the USB lead (supplied) and turn the power
switch to “on.” Because the Oxygen keyboards are class- compliant, your unit will work without any further installation.