
5. Name and function
Front panel
Power switch
The switch is used to Power the unit ON and or OFF. Once the
unit is powered On, the indicator of the Input Selector will illumi-
nate for the source selected. The SC-7S1 will be ready in ap-
proximately 8 seconds.
Remote control sensor
This is the IR (Infra Red) window which receives IR control sig-
nals being sent from the remote control.
How to use remote control p.14
Input selector knob
The input Selector Knob will determine what source is being
played as well as well as able to be recorded. When the Source
is selected, the Blue indicator will be illuminated to verify the
source selected. When the unit is powered down, the last se-
lected source will be held in memory. When the unit is powered
on again, the last selected source will be selected. When tape is
selected, there will be no signal output, to the record output.
Display section
Displays the settings & volume level.
Volume knob
The Volume knob is used to increase & decrease the overall
volume level. By turning the Volume Knob clockwise, the vol-
ume will be increased. By turning the Volume Knob counter clock-
wise, the volume will decrease. When powering the unit off, the
last volume setting will be memorized.
ATT (Attenuation) button, indicator
The ATT button is used to reduce the volume quickly, with just
one touch. Once the button is pressed, the volume will be de-
creased. The Volume Display will begin blinking & the Volume
Indicator above the ATT button will illuminate. If you press the
ATT button again, the Volume Display will stop blinking & dis-
play the Volume level. You can decrease the volume by 20dB,
40dB & 60dB. Please refer to page 16 for further information
regarding Attenuation functions.
Display button, indicator
This button is to turn off the Volume Indicator & the Light for the
Volume Indicator. If the volume Indicator & light are on, and you
press this button, they will both be turned off. Also, the light
above this button will be illuminated. If you make any adjust-
ment the Volume Indicator & Light will come on for 3 seconds,
then shut off again. If you press this button again, the Volume
Indicator & Light will be turned on and the light above this but-
ton, will shut off.
Display section
I Power indicator
This Indicator is to show if the power is on. When power is on,
the blue light will be illuminated.
II Volume indicator
This will display the volume level and changes made to the vol-
ume with either the Remote Control or the Volume Knob on the
face of the unit. After 3 seconds of being powered on, the ID
number will be displayed. The ID number is changed by the ID
switch on the rear panel of the unit. If the attenuate function or
trim adjustment is being used, the levels will also be indicated. If
using several SC-7S1s, and they are not connected properly,
and error code will be indicated.
Error message p20
III A/B CH Indicator
During trim adjustment, the indicator lights will be illuminated in
accordance to the adjustments.
See Trim adjustment p17
IV SYNC (Synchronized) Indicator
The indicator will be illuminated in accordance with the ID num-
ber setting.
Green color illuminated:
ID No. is set up <1>.
Red illuminated:
ID No. is set up 2–6 (several SC-7S1 are connected)
In this state, the unit can not be operated via the remote
control, or by the unit itself.
Light off:
There is an error in the remote connections.
Green or Red color will be flashing:
While trim is being adjusted.
When you use the remote control, please face it towards the
Turn the volume knob clock-
wise or press volume
button of the Remote Con-
Turn the volume knob
counterclockwise or press
volume button of the Re-
mote Control.