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Hand shake flow charts for control commands
Host sends a command that causes a change in
PMD570 status.
Typical Host
Received Command
Control Command
Typical Host
Received Command
Control Command
Typical Host
Received Command
Status Information
Status Request
Typical Host
Status Informaton
Host sends a command that causes no change in
PMD570 status. For example, Host requests Play
during Playback.
Status Request Commands from the host are received
by the PMD570, then the status information code is
transmitted to the host.
A change in the state of the PMD570 automatically
transmits a status information code to the host.
Control command codes
The control command packets have a data length of 7~10
bytes. ASCII codes from 0x00 to 0x7f are used to receive
serial data. At the transmission end, take steps to convert
the ASCII codes into HEX data to set the data in the data
packets. CR (0x0d) is added as the data packet delimiter.
Example: Control command code for number 5 (ASCII
code @02305CR)
When transmitting commands consecutively, put more than
100ms blank between commands.
Status Request and Status Information codes :
The status data packets have a fixed data length of 8 bytes.
ASCII codes from 0x00 to 0x7f are used to transmit serial
data. For this reason, the ASCII codes are converted into
HEX data before the data is set in the data packets and
transmitted. CR (0x0d) is added as the data packet delim-
Example: Status Information code "Door open"
(ASCII code @0DS01CR)
0x40 0x30 0x32 0x33 0x30 0x35 0x0d
@0 D S 0 1CR
0x40 0x30 0x44 0x53 0x30 0x31 0x0d
Table of Control command codes
Control Command Code
0 ........................................... “@02300” + CR
1 ........................................... “@02301” + CR
2 ........................................... “@02302” + CR
3 ........................................... “@02303” + CR
4 ........................................... “@02304” + CR
5 ........................................... “@02305” + CR
6 ........................................... “@02306” + CR
7 ........................................... “@02307” + CR
8 ........................................... “@02308” + CR
9 ........................................... “@02309” + CR
DISPLAY ........................................... “@02311” + CR
Standby ........................................... “@02312” + CR
Power ON ........................................... “@023PW” + CR
Add EDL mark .................................... “@023121” + CR
Recording Volume + ............................ “@023V+” + CR
Recording Volume - ............................. “@023V-” + CR
Recording Balance Right..................... “@023BR” + CR
Recording Balance Left ....................... “@023BL” + CR
Track Jump >>I (Next) ........................ “@02332” + CR
Track Jump I<< (Back) ....................... “@02333” + CR
PAUSE ........................................... “@02348” + CR
Fast Reverse Start << .......................... “@02350” + CR