
Safety cautions on handling batteries
Always follow the points below when using batteries to avoid
electrolyte leakage, overheating, fire, rupturing, ingestion, etc.
kept inside the recorder for prolonged periods of time. If the
recorder is not to be used for a prolonged period, remove the
batteries to prevent electrolyte leakage.
aligned with the corresponding markings in the battery case
and the battery holder.
• Donotinsertoldorexhaustedbatteriesintotherecorder.
• Donotmixthetypeofbattery,anddonotusebotholdandnew
batteries together.
batteries with new ones.
battery holder, and then insert new batteries.
• Donotkeepthebatteryinaplaceexposedtodirectsunlight
or in places with extremely high temperatures, such as near a
• Usedbatteriesshouldbedisposedofinaccordancewiththe
local regulations regarding battery disposal.
Battery remaining indicator
The recorder operates using commercially available AA size
alkaline or Ni-MH batteries. During operation, the battery
remaining indicator is as follows.
Indicator Meaning
There is still ample battery power remaining.
The amount of battery power remaining has decreased
to approximately half.
Only a small amount of battery power remaining.
There is not enough battery power remaining to record
or playback. Either replace the batteries with new ones,
or recharge the rechargeable batteries.
If you continue recording while this indicator is flashing,
recording/playback will stop, and the recorder will shut
The AC adapter is being used. The adapter power
supply is valid.