20 Chapter 5 Remote Monitoring
The second option is to have a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol) server assign an IP address that has a reservation set up for
the MAC of the Ethernet interface.
If there is not a reservation set up on the DHCP server, the DHCP
server will automatically assign the next available address from its IP
pool each time the chassis is restarted. This will make is almost
impossible to monitor manually.
To use DHCP, simply enter a 0 (zero) in the IP address and subnet
mask fields.
Near the rear of the chassis there is a decal with the MAC (Media
Access Control) number and chassis manufacturer ID. The MAC is
used in conjunction with a DHCP server to give the Surveillance Pro 2
its IP address.
The Surveillance Pro 2 is set to a factory default IP address of Use the MAC of the Surveillance Pro 2 as the unique
identifier for your DHCP server to set the Surveillance Pro 2 to an IP
address that will work with your network.
The IP address of the Surveillance Pro 2 can be verified by pinging the
address that you set it to. For example, open a Command Prompt
Window and type “ping”. You should see a set of replies
back from the Surveillance Pro 2 with the time it took for the response.