DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
Upgrades and Additions for R8r
Issue 1
April 2000
Glossary and Abbreviations
expansion archangel (EAA)
A network-control microprocessor located on an expansion interface (EI) port circuit pack in an
expansion port network. The EA provides an interface between the EPN and its controlling
switch-processing element.
expansion-archangel link (EAL)
A link-access function on the D-channel (LAPD) logical link that exists between a
switch-processing element and an expansion archangel (EA). The EAL carries control messages
from the SPE to the EA and to port circuit packs in an expansion port network.
expansion control cabinet
expansion control carrier.
expansion control carrier
A carrier in a multicarrier cabinet that contains extra port circuit packs and a maintenance
interface. Also called expansion control cabinet in a single-carrier cabinet.
expansion interface (EI)
A port circuit pack in a port network that provides the interface between a PN’s TDM bus/ packet
bus and a fiber-optic link. The EI carries circuit-switched data, packet-switched data, network
control, timing control, and DS1 control. In addition, an EI in an expansion port network
communicates with the master maintenance circuit pack to provide the EPN’s environmental and
alarm status to the switch-processing element.
expansion port network (EPN)
A port network (PN) that is connected to the TDM bus and packet bus of a processor port network
(PPN). Control is achieved by indirect connection of the EPN to the PPN via a port-network link
(PNL). See also
port network (PN).
Extension-In (ExtIn) is the work state agents go into when they answer (receive) a non-ACD call. If
the agent is in Manual-In or Auto-In and receives an extension-in call, it is recorded by CMS as an
AUX-In call.
The work state that agents go into when they place (originate) a non-ACD call.
external measurements
Those ACD measurements that are made by the External CMS adjunct.
A 1- to 5-digit number by which calls are routed through a communications system or, with a
Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) or main-satellite dialing plan, through a private network.
external call
A connection between a communications system user and a party on the public network or on
another communications system in a private network.
Feature Access Code
A telecommunications transmission pathway and associated equipment.