Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 61
Prefix Length The length of the ATM address, expressed as a
number of bits. The maximum length is 152 bits, as
ATM routing is done for only 19 byte addresses.
Priority The resilient priority of this LECS. For more
information, refer to
Local LECS Resilient Priority
page 58.
Propagate Status The state of status propagation on the port or
module. When enabled, the status of a port or
module is passed up one level.
For example, when the Propagate Status field of a
problematic port is enabled, the port’s icon as well
as the module that the port is located on appears
red. If Propagate Status is disabled, only the port
icon appears red.
The following colors indicate the status of the port
or module:
•Red - Fatal
• Grey - Disabled (port only)
• Yellow - Warning
• Green - Okay
By default, status propagation is enabled for all
ports and modules.
Proxy LEC Identifies if the selected LEC is a Proxy LEC or not.
Possible states are:
PVC p2p The number of point-to-point PVCs currently
defined on this port.
RAM Size The amount of RAM on the module.
Rcv Hellos The number of Hello packets received on the
selected PNNI link.
Receive Congestions The number of times a station does not have the
available buffer space to accept a frame addressed
to the station's specific address.
Field Name Description