MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Managing the System
Page 6-63Adding a QCC Operator Position
Task List: Adding a QCC Operator Position 6
Obtain Form 2a, System Numbering: Extension Jacks, Form 6a, Optional
Operator Features, and 5d, Queued Call Console (QCC).
If necessary, read “Queued Call Console” in the
Feature Reference
detailed information about QCC consoles.
Check Form 2a for available operator-position jacks; look for the shaded
first and fifth lines on the form.
If there are no available operator-position jacks, contact your Lucent
Technologies representative.
Plan changes using the planning guidelines above; record the new values
on the form(s).
Open the System Programming menu from the console or a PC with SPM.
If your system uses the Set Up Space numbering plan (see Form 2a),
single-renumber the extension jack following the instructions in “Single
Renumbering” in the “System Renumbering” section of
, Chapter 3, or the summary programming instructions below.
This task requires an idle condition: Extension Forced Idle for this
extension jack.
Assign the jack, following the instructions for “QCC Operator Positions” in
the “System Operator Positions” section of
System Programming
, Chapter
3, or the summary programming instructions below.
This task requires an idle condition: System Idle.
Assign the lines/trunks to ring at the QCC, following the instructions for
“QCC Operator to Receive Calls” in the “Lines and Trunks” section of
System Programming
, Chapter 4.
This task requires an idle condition: System Idle.
Assign the QCC queue priority level values, following the instructions in
“QCC Queue Priority Level” in the “Lines and Trunks” section of Chapter 4
System Programming
Assign optional operator features, as desired, following the instructions in
“Optional Operator Features” in Chapter 3 of
System Programming
When you have finished, file the form(s) with the rest of the planning forms.