Issue 1 October 1998
Configuration Steps
To configure the Rack and Switch Cards using the Switch Management
1. Install the Switch Management Interface on the PC. (see page 5-6 for
more information) Connect the PC to the ADMIN Port (P110) of the
2. Run the Switch Management Interface. Click on the Settings icon to
select the PC’s COM port to connect to the Rack (ADMIN port).
(page 5-30 for more information)
3. Open or create a password file. A password file must be open to connect
to the Rack. (see page 5-11 or page 5-12 for more information)
4. Once a password file is opened or created, the Switch Management
Interface will automatically try to connect to the Rack. If successful, all
installed Switch Cards display under the Hardware tab.
Note: If the Switch Cards do not appear, check the COM port settings under
the Settings icon. (see page 5-30 for more information)
5. Change the administrator password from the default (000000),
(page 5-15).
6. Add users by selecting the Users tab. For tighter security, create a
separate user for each remote module. Assign passwords to users
manually or allow the Switch Management Interface to randomly create
them. See page 5-19 for more information.
7. Assign users to a User Group. Select the User Groups tab and create
User Groups for the password file. Add users to each User Group as
desired. If only one user connects to each Switch Card, each User Group
may have only a single user. If all users can use all cards, create one
large User Group and download it to every card. (see page 5-20 for more