Step 3 Mount Controller
Mount Controller on Wall
Choose a location within five feet of the network interface jacks, where the local
telephone company lines enter the building, and near an AC outlet that is not controlled
by a switch. Be sure the controller is in a well-ventilated area with a temperature range
of 40°F to 100°F, and free of excess dust. The controller should be mounted a minimum
of two feet from the floor with the modular connecting blocks positioned at the bottom.
Make a template like the one shown below. Using the template as a guide, install two of
the four screws (not included) in the top, leaving ¼" protruding from wall. Do not install
the bottom two screws until the controller is in place.
Install the controller, placing the two keyholes on the back of the controller against the
screws in the wall and pulling the controller down.
Install the bottom two screws through the tabs on the controller and tighten firmly.
Write the date on one of the date installed (DATE INST:) labels, located on the cord
labels, and place it on the side of the controller.
11 inches
7.5 inches
Within 5 feet of
network interface
(where telephone
lines enter build-
ing). Network
intertace may look
Jack Field
(Number of apparatus boxes
in field depends on number of telephones).
Within 5 feet
of ac outlet.
(standard 120 VAC)
Customer Installation Instructions