6-14 Issue 1 October 1998
Status Menu Information continued
There are four additional buttons available to the administrator.
Button Function
Update Updates information in the status window.
Reset now
Delayed reset
Reset now: Immediately resets the selected card and
clears the PBX Flag. This will disconnect any
current user on the Switch Card.
Delayed Reset: Resets the selected card as soon as
there are no users connected to the Switch Card.
Make Busy Takes the card off-line, as soon as the user
disconnects, preventing users from re-connecting.
Clear PBX Flag Sets the card to indicate that it should be working
normally. This flag will be cleared until a user has
problems connecting to this Switch Card. The card
could be flagged again.
Table 6-9. Flag reset options
Q: Why ask a remote user to flag a card?
A: Flagging a card is done, at the request of the administrator, to find out if
the operational problems are related to a specific 3100 card or a remote user’s
How a Remote User “Flags” a bad Switch Card
When the Remote user is online (connected) with a faulty Switch Module,
they should press the HOLD key four times to access the Disconnect menu.
When the telephone screen displays the Disconnect menu, the user should
press the “*” key. This operation will clear the Disconnect menu, and will
replace it with “Switch Unit Flagged.” This message will remain on the LCD
display for 1.5 seconds, and once it is cleared, the Remote Module will
reconnect the user for normal operation.
Note: If the problem is with every connection it may be the remote Extender
that is having problems. If it is periodic, based on different connections then
it may be a specific 3100 card which has problems.