
Chapter 3: Creating Mirrored Volumes | Managing Hot Spare Disks SAS2 Integrated RAID Solution User Guide
Page 18 LSI Corporation Confidential
| August 2010
Figure 6: Manage Array Window
The Manage Hot Spares window appears.
6. Identify a disk that is not part of a RAID volume (i.e., the value in the Drive Status
column is not RAID) and that is not already identified as a hot spare disk.
A global hot spare disk must have 512-byte blocks and nonremovable media. The
disk type must be either SATA with extended command set support or SAS with
SMART support.
7. Select the Hot Spr (Hot Spare) field for this disk, and press the space bar.
The Hot Spare status changes to Ye s.
8. (Optional) Repeat the preceding step to select a second global hot spare disk
9. Press C to create the hot spare disk.
A menu window appears. An error message appears if the selected disk is not at
least as large as the smallest disk used in the existing volume(s). An error message
also appears if you try to add a SATA disk as a hot spare for volumes that use SAS
disks, or vice versa.
10. Select Save changes then exit this menu to create the hot spare disk(s).
The SAS2 BIOS CU pauses while it configures the global hot spares.
3.3.2 Deleting Hot Spare Disks Follow these steps to delete a global hot spare disk:
1. Access the Manage Hot Spares window by following steps 1 through 5 of the
previous section.
2. Select a hot spare disk for deletion, and press C.
3. Select Save changes then exit this menu to commit the changes.
The configuration utility pauses while it removes the global hot spare.