
IX-6 Index
SCRIPTS interrupt instruction received 5-21, 5-44
SCSI C_D/ signal 5-25
SCSI control enable 5-62
SCSI data high impedance 5-35
SCSI disconnect unexpected 5-9
SCSI FIFO test read 5-64
SCSI FIFO test write 5-65
SCSI gross error 5-48
, 5-52
SCSI high impedance mode 5-62
SCSI I_O/ signal 5-25
SCSI interrupt pending 5-28
SCSI isolation 5-61
SCSI loopback mode 5-62
SCSI low level mode 5-63
SCSI MSG/ signal 5-25
SCSI parity error 5-49
SCSI phase mismatch or SCSI ATN condition 5-48
SCSI reset condition 5-49
SCSI RST/ received 5-53
SCSI RST/ signal 5-23
SCSI SDP/ signal 5-23
SCSI selected as ID 5-60
SCSI synchronous offset maximum 5-61
SCSI synchronous offset zero 5-60
SCSI synchronous transfer period 5-12
SCSI true end of process 5-31
SCSI valid 5-19
select with SATN/ on a start sequence 5-4
selected 5-48
, 5-52
selection or reselection time-out 5-50
, 5-54
selection response logic test 5-60
selection time-out 5-58
semaphore 5-27
shadow register test mode 5-35
SI_O/ status 5-20
SIDL full 5-22
signal process 5-27
, 5-31
single step interrupt 5-21
, 5-44
single-step mode 5-46
SMSG/ status 5-20
SODL full 5-23
SODR full 5-22
software reset 5-27
source I/O-memory enable 5-42
SREQ/ status 5-20
SSEL/ status 5-20
start DMA operation 5-46
start SCSI transfer 5-8
start sequence 5-4
synchronous clock conversion factor bits 5-9
target mode 5-5
unexpected disconnect 5-49
, 5-52
WATN 5-4
won arbitration 5-23
reliability 1-5
REQ bit 5-18
, 5-20
REQ/ 4-8
request 4-8
during reselection 2-11
response to 2-11
reselected bit 5-48
, 5-52
reset 4-5
reset SCSI offset bit 5-62
RESPID0 register 5-59
response ID zero register 5-59
revision level bits 5-32
ROF bit 5-62
RRE bit 5-11
RSL bit 5-48
, 5-52
RST bit 5-7
, 5-49, 5-53
RST/ 4-5
RST/ bit 5-23
SACK/ 4-9
SACK/ status bit 5-20
SATN/ 4-9
SATN/ active bit 5-51
SATN/ status bit 5-20
SBCL register 5-20
SBDL register 5-66
SBSY/ 4-9
SBSY/ status bit 5-20
SC_D/ status bit 5-20
SCD/ 4-9
SCE bit 5-62
SCF[2:0] bits 5-9
SCID register 5-11
SCLK 4-9
SCLK bit 5-61
SCNTL0 register 5-2
SCNTL1 register 5-6
SCNTL2 register 5-9
SCNTL3 register 5-9
SCPTS bit 5-56
SCRATCHA register 5-41
sample operation 6-3
SCRIPTS bit 5-56
SCRIPTS instruction prefetching
no flush memory move instruction 6-38
prefetch enable bit 5-45
prefetch flush bit 5-45
SCRIPTS interrupt instruction received bit 5-21
, 5-44
SCRIPTS processor 2-2
performance 2-2
termination 2-11
SCSI ATN condition - target mode 5-48
SCSI bus control lines register 5-20
SCSI bus data lines register 5-66
SCSI bus interface 2-11
to 2-12
SCSI C_D/ signal 5-25
SCSI chip ID register 5-11
SCSI clock 4-9
SCSI control 4-9
SCSI control enable bit 5-62
SCSI control one register 5-6
SCSI control three register 5-9
SCSI control two register 5-9
SCSI control zero register 5-2
SCSI core 2-1
SCSI data high impedance bit 5-35
SCSI destination ID register 5-15
SCSI disconnect unexpected bit 5-9
SCSI FIFO test read bit 5-64
SCSI FIFO test write bit 5-65
SCSI first byte received register 5-17
SCSI gross error bit 5-48
, 5-52
SCSI high impedance mode bit 5-62