
That covers a lot of ground, but, we designed this book so that you don't
have to read the whole thing from front to back for the information you
want. You can skip around, and we've made it easy to look up any tips
you may need from time to time. Here's how:
The manual has three main sections. This first section tells you the
basics you need to know to make MapCreate wake up and get to work.
Section two (on page 13) will help you get the program correctly installed on
your computer.
Section three (on page 21) is the heart of our book, the Quick Start
Reference. It contains easy-to-skim lessons on the program's main
operations. These segments show you how to make highly customized
maps and GPS information and get them into your GPS unit. It's all
you need to get on the road quickly.
After you've gained some experience with the program, you may want
to try some of the really advanced features. That brings us to the
Command Reference, which is available only in the MapCreate 6 Help
file on the CD-ROM. It contains — in alphabetical order — every
command function in MapCreate 6.
Each entry includes a "quick reference" box briefly telling what the
command does and how to run it from the menu, toolbar or keyboard.
Then, we've included more tips and tricks so you can take advantage of
all the extra power and performance MapCreate offers.
You can see an example of the online Command Reference format in
Appendix 1 at the back of this manual, on page 57. Appendix 1 contains
the entry on the Help Command, which explains how to use Help.
In addition to the Command Reference, the online Help includes all the
material from the manual's Quick Start Reference section. Just press
the F1 key to launch Help. You can find facts fast by electronically
searching the Help File for the word or phrase you want.
In our printed manual, we've included other general supplemental
material as appendices in the back of the book. Check out the Table of
Contents to see the topics contained in each appendix.
Once you have the software installed, browse through the quick start
lessons in Section 3 to get you going. Later, when you want to try
something new or you have a question about a particular function, skim
through the manual's table of contents or search the online Command
Reference to read what you need.