second street. You could now use similar techniques to select a city or
Zip code, but your search will probably be faster if you leave those
boxes blank. You can specify a city and/or Zip code later to narrow the
search, if the resulting list is too long.
GlobalMap 5500C (left) and GlobalMap 4900M (center) Find Streets
menus with Find Intersection selected; Intersections found list (right).
6. To search for the intersection of the two streets, press ↓ to FIND IN-
If you're using the GlobalMap 4900M, press ↓ → to
|ENT. A message appears asking you to wait while the unit finds
the intersection. When the Intersections Found list appears, press
↑ or
↓ to select the intersection you are searching for and press ENT. A win-
dow will appear prompting you to
FIND or GO TO. In this example, we
FIND. (In the example on the previous page, we selected the inter-
section of SW 80th Street and SW 71st Avenue in Miami, Fla.)
7. The Map Page appears, with the cursor pointing to the found inter-
section. The intersection in our example is shown below.
Map Page showing results of an intersection search.
The cursor points to the located intersection.