
142 | | 143
Index | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch Index | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch
Range 86
Adjusting range 86
Range markers 93
Range oset 97
Range rings 87, 93
Restore defaults 98
Sea clutter 87
Sidelobe suppression 97
STC curve 92
Symbology 89
Target expansion 91
Target trails 92
Clearing trails 92
Threshold 93
Using the cursor 86
Vessel alarm settings 96
Restore defaults 82
Autoroutes 38
Create from chart 36
Create from waypoints 37
Easy Routes 38
Editing 37
Satellites 78
Screen captures 15
SideScan 58
Advanced settings 84
GPS source 84
Set start position 84
Speed, Course and Route 84
Demo mode 83
Selecting source les 83
SIRIUS status 110
Upgrades 136
Adjusting Sensitivity and
Colorline 51
A-scope 53
Auto range 48
Bottom lock 51
Colorline 51
Custom range 48
Depth line 53
Fish ID 53
Fishing modes 55
Reset shing mode 55
Flasher 51
Frequency 48
History preview 47, 53
Keel oset 56
Log sonar data 49
Viewing 50
Manual mode 49
Measuring distance 53
Networking 54
Source 54
Noise rejection 49
Palettes 53
Pausing sonar 54
Ping speed 49
Range 48
Saving waypoints 46
Scroll speed 49
Sensitivity 50
Sonar source 54
Splitscreen 51
Stop sonar 54
Structurescan overlay 55
Surface clarity 49
Temp graph 53
Transducer type 57
Using the cursor 45
Viewing history 47
Water speed averaging 57
Water speed calibration 57
Water temperature calibra-
tion 57
Zoom bars 46
Zooming 46
Zoom bars 46
Zoom mode 51