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AIS | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch
Lost AIS target.
When no signals have been received within
a time limit a target will be deļ¬ned as lost.
The target symbol represents the last valid
position of the target before the reception
of data was lost.
Selected AIS target, activated
by tapping on a target
The target will return to default target
symbol when the cursor is moved.
Viewing information about AIS targets
Selecting single AIS targets
When you tap an AIS icon on the chart or radar panel the symbol
will change to Selected target symbol, and the vessel name will be
You can display detailed information for a target by activating the
menu when the target is selected.
Viewing information about all AIS targets
Chart pages
You can view informa-
tion about all AIS targets
within range of your ves-
sel from the menu.