Logitech Wireless Rechargeable Touchpad T650 Logitech Wireless Rechargeable Touchpad T650
Swipe three fingers to navigate
within Windows 8.
Swipe up to return to Windows 8
Start. Swipe left or right for back
and forward. Swipe down for the
In Windows 7, when software is
installed, swiping up launches the
application switcher.
Pinch to zoom in or out.
Touchpad gestures
Control windows
Swipe four fingers to resize
or relocate the active window.
Swipe up or down to maximize
or minimize the window.
Swipe left or right to snap the
window to the corresponding
edge of the screen.
Swipe from the left edge to cycle
through open applications.
Swipe from the right edge
to display the charms bar.
Swipe from the top edge
to display the application bar.
Perform Windows 8 shortcuts
Swipe a single finger from one
of the Touchpad edges.
Touchpad gestures enabled by software
The Logitech software enables all available gestures and provides
videos that demonstrate the best way to perform them. If you
haven’t already installed it, go to www.logitech.com/download/t650