Pro 2000 Cordless Keyboard
Technical Specifications:
Cordless Internet keyboard with mini USB receiver
Advanced 2.4 GHz cordless technology
Fourteen hot keys: Media player (opens the default media player) / Play-Pause/ Mute
/ Volume up / Volume down / Home (opens the default web browser) / E-mail (opens
the default e-mail client) / Back-Forward / Search / Favorites / Refresh / Power
(places computer in Sleep mode, hibernation or power off based the settings you
choose) / Calculator.
Four additional Number Pad Keys: = ( ) Backspace
Dual function-switch: On/Off switch and Connect
Low-battery warning light
Operating range: Up to 10 m (33 feet)
Keycap print: Tampo printing in white on black keycaps with protective UV coating
Package Contents:
Logitech® Pro 2000 Cordless Keyboard
USB Mini receiver
Quick-start guide
2 AA batteries
Packaging Specifications (To be completed):
P/N: 920-001664
Swiss Layout
Primary Pack Intermediate Pack Master Shipper
Bar Code
5099206 0132911
1 Primary Pack
1 Intermediate Pack
1 Master Shipper
1 Euro Pallet
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